Today is Defriend Day
Facebook has quickly become a big part of life for most people that many people often fail to note the broad social implications of this new medium. One of these consequences are often overlooked is the fact that most people have dozens, sometimes hundreds of "friends" on Facebook "friends" list that are not really their friend, or even any knowledge or that they never go in real life again.
A large number of "friends" to people "friends" list are, in fact, strangers who have met once and happened to send them a friend request to a number of reasons. (If you're a pretty girl, then no doubt countless guys "friends" and hope to get in your pants and enjoyed spending countless amounts of time through your life line). Of course, I do not want to be rude and "deny" most of these friend requests. After all, you have several mutual "friends" with these people, such as Facebook shows beneficial for you.
So he accepted the men in the friend requests, perhaps long ago, and now they have forgotten everything until just now. Some of these people have not forgotten you. Some of these people harbor a secret crush on you and read all the updates after they learned what you like and what you do not, they have an eye on every inch of your site, and some probably masturbated looking at the pictures you sent to yourself on Facebook.
Creeped yet? It is time to start thinking about Facebook a bit differently then, and now it is time to start taking some simple steps to clean your Facebook "friends" list. It's the perfect time to remove a few people (maybe even tens or hundreds of people) from his "friends" list. blame, the day defriend. It is today (what day you read this). You are justified. That's fine. Go do that now, because you're reading this online. Countless others have done the same thing.
This is an ex-girlfriend or ex boyfriend never go back to talk to who you are screwed on why they are still on their "friends" list? Those people who sent you friend requests after a meeting and did not even remember them while you send a friend request for the next day, and you'll never see goodbye. These bastards you really do not believe that you have reluctantly "approved" his "friends"-gon. People in high school trash talk about you behind your back and you have grown and changed history. Defriending the name of the game. Who cares what people think. Most of them do not even know or care that you did. They are not your friends, remember. You do not even know most.
Of course, some people like to collect "friends" (the fans), so that probably stopped reading this by now, and I can not even understand this point, but if you're still with me, so if Please help spread the word about this article defriend Day ad (or a YouTube video) on your Facebook page.
Facebook is more than most people think. There are many cases of people from their homes burglarized since the updates the status display, saying they were going away for a week, and after a miserable of his "friends" list that tied them to friendship at some point in recent years, breaks into your house and steal them, and they left. There are also numerous reports of police going online and looking at their Facebook pages local students, and then tracking some of them and arrest them for alcohol to minors after using Facebook photos of students evidence.While like Facebook has been touted as a "social media" This is largely completed by the current social relations, and in many cases the slowing real friendship and replace them with pseudo-relationships often brings. The functions of the website also has a catalytic role to facilitate the extreme levels of narcissistic self-absorption and self-promotion.
How do I remove someone from your "friends" list, you must go to the Facebook page of that person and the bottom left you will find a hyperlink that reads Unfriend. Just click on the item, to approve Unfriend, and it's done. This person has access to your Facebook page, as long as your privacy settings are defined as "friends." Defriend Happy Day!
My name is Mark Dice, and I wrote this article defriend days. I am also the author of new book that details the threat not only Facebook, but a number of other more important issues on how our lives are about to turn into something worse than the world literally dystopian described by George Orwell in his famous novel, 1980 to four.
My book is called Big Brother: Orwellian Nightmare Come True, if you're interested in learning more. (Available only on more often hear comparisons between what we saw in the news and what we experience in our own reality, a world described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four. I too have made this comparison for years, and compiled over 300 pages of them from mainstream news sources, journals, patent applications, United States, and expertise.
I'll show you documentation fear of Big Brother watching you, and more powerful than you can imagine. Although my book is certainly in size, it's not as scary as the world we live in fairly quickly, if people are not educated and involved in shaping our rapidly changing human experience.
A large number of "friends" to people "friends" list are, in fact, strangers who have met once and happened to send them a friend request to a number of reasons. (If you're a pretty girl, then no doubt countless guys "friends" and hope to get in your pants and enjoyed spending countless amounts of time through your life line). Of course, I do not want to be rude and "deny" most of these friend requests. After all, you have several mutual "friends" with these people, such as Facebook shows beneficial for you.
So he accepted the men in the friend requests, perhaps long ago, and now they have forgotten everything until just now. Some of these people have not forgotten you. Some of these people harbor a secret crush on you and read all the updates after they learned what you like and what you do not, they have an eye on every inch of your site, and some probably masturbated looking at the pictures you sent to yourself on Facebook.
Creeped yet? It is time to start thinking about Facebook a bit differently then, and now it is time to start taking some simple steps to clean your Facebook "friends" list. It's the perfect time to remove a few people (maybe even tens or hundreds of people) from his "friends" list. blame, the day defriend. It is today (what day you read this). You are justified. That's fine. Go do that now, because you're reading this online. Countless others have done the same thing.
This is an ex-girlfriend or ex boyfriend never go back to talk to who you are screwed on why they are still on their "friends" list? Those people who sent you friend requests after a meeting and did not even remember them while you send a friend request for the next day, and you'll never see goodbye. These bastards you really do not believe that you have reluctantly "approved" his "friends"-gon. People in high school trash talk about you behind your back and you have grown and changed history. Defriending the name of the game. Who cares what people think. Most of them do not even know or care that you did. They are not your friends, remember. You do not even know most.
Of course, some people like to collect "friends" (the fans), so that probably stopped reading this by now, and I can not even understand this point, but if you're still with me, so if Please help spread the word about this article defriend Day ad (or a YouTube video) on your Facebook page.
Facebook is more than most people think. There are many cases of people from their homes burglarized since the updates the status display, saying they were going away for a week, and after a miserable of his "friends" list that tied them to friendship at some point in recent years, breaks into your house and steal them, and they left. There are also numerous reports of police going online and looking at their Facebook pages local students, and then tracking some of them and arrest them for alcohol to minors after using Facebook photos of students evidence.While like Facebook has been touted as a "social media" This is largely completed by the current social relations, and in many cases the slowing real friendship and replace them with pseudo-relationships often brings. The functions of the website also has a catalytic role to facilitate the extreme levels of narcissistic self-absorption and self-promotion.
How do I remove someone from your "friends" list, you must go to the Facebook page of that person and the bottom left you will find a hyperlink that reads Unfriend. Just click on the item, to approve Unfriend, and it's done. This person has access to your Facebook page, as long as your privacy settings are defined as "friends." Defriend Happy Day!
My name is Mark Dice, and I wrote this article defriend days. I am also the author of new book that details the threat not only Facebook, but a number of other more important issues on how our lives are about to turn into something worse than the world literally dystopian described by George Orwell in his famous novel, 1980 to four.
My book is called Big Brother: Orwellian Nightmare Come True, if you're interested in learning more. (Available only on more often hear comparisons between what we saw in the news and what we experience in our own reality, a world described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four. I too have made this comparison for years, and compiled over 300 pages of them from mainstream news sources, journals, patent applications, United States, and expertise.
I'll show you documentation fear of Big Brother watching you, and more powerful than you can imagine. Although my book is certainly in size, it's not as scary as the world we live in fairly quickly, if people are not educated and involved in shaping our rapidly changing human experience.