
Thousands mark May Day at iconic Istanbul square

Thousands of workers in an emblematic place in the heart of the largest city of Turkey in Istanbul on Sunday in May to celebrate the city gathered to rally in which dozens were 34 years agoDemonstrators to participate in May Day rally in central Istanbul May 1, Turkish workers crowded Taksim Square May Day celebrations on Sunday killed (Reuters).

Waving colorful flags, dancing and singing, walking, the crowd of Taksim Square in the middle of a sprawling city held nearly 15 million people at a gathering of four unions.

About 38,000 police were sent for the occasion, looking for protesters, before the square, which was equipped with a large digital display and speakers.

The snipers have been placed in buildings around the square.

In May of last year Taksim Square off-limits, such as during the May 1977 Rally Day in blood when the armed men, presumably in support of right-wing activists fired on members of the intelligence services in a crowd Pacific, killing 33 people and triggering mass panic.

The attackers were never caught.

The death came as a great political tension and violence on the road between the extremists of left and right in Turkey, which culminated in a military coup in 1980.

The board's decision was re-place the day after the May Day national parliament in 2009.

Prior to this change in trade union protests in Taksim Square, trying to hold on despite the ban prevented the action of the police, dozens injured and hundreds of arrests have seen.

As the rally began on Sunday, union leaders left red carnations at a place where the crowd was fired, urged the authorities to shed light on the murders.

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